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name : common.js
 * Template JS for standard pages

	 * List of functions required to enable template effects/hacks
	 * @var array
	var templateSetup = new Array();
	 * Add a new template function
	 * @param function func the function to be called on a jQuery object
	 * @param boolean prioritary set to true to call the function before all others (optional)
	 * @return void
	$.fn.addTemplateSetup = function(func, prioritary)
		if (prioritary)
	 * Call every template function over a jQuery object (for instance : $('body').applyTemplateSetup())
	 * @return void
	$.fn.applyTemplateSetup = function()
		var max = templateSetup.length;
		for (var i = 0; i < max; ++i)
		return this;
	// Common (mobile and standard) template setup
		// Collapsible fieldsets
		this.find('fieldset legend > a, .fieldset .legend > a').click(function(event)
		this.find('fieldset.collapse, .fieldset.collapse').toggleFieldsetOpen().removeClass('collapse');
		// Equalize tab content-blocks heights
		this.find('.tabs.same-height, .side-tabs.same-height, .mini-tabs.same-height, .controls-tabs.same-height').equalizeTabContentHeight();
		// Update tabs
		// Input switches
		this.find('input[type=radio].switch, input[type=checkbox].switch').hide().after('<span class="switch-replace"></span>').next().click(function() {
			$(this).attr('title', $(this).prev().attr('title'));
		this.find('input[type=radio].mini-switch, input[type=checkbox].mini-switch').hide().after('<span class="mini-switch-replace"></span>').next().click(function() {
			$(this).attr('title', $(this).prev().attr('title'));
		// Tabs links behaviour
		this.find('.js-tabs a[href^="#"]').click(function(event)
			// If hashtag enabled
			if ($.fn.updateTabs.enabledHash)
				// Retrieve hash parts
				var element = $(this);
				var hash = $.trim(window.location.hash || '');
				if (hash.length > 1)
					// Remove hash from other tabs of the group
					var hashParts = hash.substring(1).split('&');
					var dummyIndex;
					while ((dummyIndex = $.inArray('', hashParts)) > -1)
						hashParts.splice(dummyIndex, 1);
					while ((dummyIndex = $.inArray('none', hashParts)) > -1)
						hashParts.splice(dummyIndex, 1);
						var index = $.inArray($(this).attr('href').substring(1), hashParts);
						if (index > -1)
							hashParts.splice(index, 1);
					var hashParts = [];
				// Add current tab to hash (not if default)
				var defaultTab = getDefaultTabIndex(element.parent().parent());
				if (element.parent().index() != defaultTab)
				// If only one tab, add a empty id to prevent document from jumping to selected content
				if (hashParts.length == 1)
				// Put hash, will trigger refresh
				window.location.hash = (hashParts.length > 0) ? '#'+hashParts.join('&') : '#none';
				var li = $(this).closest('li');
	// Document initial setup
		// Template setup
		// Listener
		$(window).bind('hashchange', function()
	 * Get tab group default tab
	function getDefaultTabIndex(tabGroup)
		var defaultTab = tabGroup.data('defaultTab');
		if (defaultTab === null || defaultTab === '' || defaultTab === undefined)
			var firstTab = tabGroup.children('.current:first');
			defaultTab = (firstTab.length > 0) ? firstTab.index() : 0;
			tabGroup.data('defaultTab', defaultTab);
		return defaultTab;
	 * Update tabs
	$.fn.updateTabs = function()
		// If hashtags enabled
		if ($.fn.updateTabs.enabledHash)
			var hash = $.trim(window.location.hash || '');
			var hashParts = (hash.length > 1) ? hash.substring(1).split('&') : [];
			var hash = '';
			var hashParts = [];
		// Check all tabs
		var hasHash = (hashParts.length > 0);
			// Check if already inited
			var tabGroup = $(this);
			var defaultTab = getDefaultTabIndex(tabGroup);
			// Look for current tab
			var current = false;
			if ($.fn.updateTabs.enabledHash)
				if (hasHash)
					var links = tabGroup.find('a[href^="#"]');
						var linkHash = $(this).attr('href').substring(1);
						if (linkHash.length > 0)
							var index = $.inArray(linkHash, hashParts);
							if (index > -1)
								current = $(this).parent();
								return false;
				current = tabGroup.children('.current:first');
			// If none found : get the default tab
			if (!current)
				current = tabGroup.children(':eq('+defaultTab+')');
			if (current.length > 0)
				// Display current tab content block
				hash = $.trim(current.children('a').attr('href').substring(1));
				if (hash.length > 0)
					// Highlight current
					var tabContainer = $('#'+hash),
						tabHidden = tabContainer.is(':hidden');
					// Show if hidden
					if (tabHidden)
					// Hide others
						var hash = $.trim($(this).attr('href').substring(1));
						if (hash.length > 0)
							var tabContainer = $('#'+hash);
							// Hide if visible
							if (tabContainer.is(':visible'))
							// Or init if first round
							else if (!tabContainer.data('tabInited'))
								tabContainer.data('tabInited', true);
					// Callback
					if (tabHidden)
					// Or init if first round
					else if (!tabContainer.data('tabInited'))
						tabContainer.data('tabInited', true);
		return this;
	 * Indicate whereas JS tabs hashtag is enabled
	 * @var boolean
	$.fn.updateTabs.enabledHash = true;
	 * Reset tab content blocks heights
	$.fn.resetTabContentHeight = function()
			var hash = $.trim($(this).attr('href').substring(1));
			if (hash.length > 0)
				$('#'+hash).css('height', '');
		return this;
	 * Equalize tab content blocks heights
	$.fn.equalizeTabContentHeight = function()
		var i;
		var g;
		var maxHeight;
		var tabContainers;
		var block;
		var blockHeight;
		var marginAdjustTop;
		var marginAdjustBot;
		var first;
		var last;
		var firstMargin;
		var lastMargin;
		// Process in reverse order to equalize sub-tabs first
		for (i = this.length-1; i >= 0; --i)
			// Look for max height
			maxHeight = -1;
			tabContainers = [];
				var hash = $.trim($(this).attr('href').substring(1));
				if (hash.length > 0)
					block = $('#'+hash);
					if (block.length > 0)
						blockHeight = block.outerHeight()+parseInt(block.css('margin-bottom'));
						// First element top-margin affects real height
						marginAdjustTop = 0;
						first = block.children(':first');
						if (first.length > 0)
							firstMargin = parseInt(first.css('margin-top'));
							if (!isNaN(firstMargin) && firstMargin < 0)
								marginAdjustTop = firstMargin;
						// Same for last element bottom-margin
						marginAdjustBot = 0;
						last = block.children(':last');
						if (last.length > 0)
							lastMargin = parseInt(last.css('margin-bottom'));
							if (!isNaN(lastMargin) && lastMargin < 0)
								marginAdjustBot = lastMargin;
						if (blockHeight+marginAdjustTop+marginAdjustBot > maxHeight)
							maxHeight = blockHeight+marginAdjustTop+marginAdjustBot;
						tabContainers.push([block, marginAdjustTop]);
			// Setup height
			for (g = 0; g < tabContainers.length; ++g)
				// Only the first tab remains visible
				if (g > 0)
		return this;
	 * Display the selected tab (apply on tab content-blocks, not tabs, ie: $('#my-tab').showTab(); )
	$.fn.showTab = function()
		return this;
	 * Add a listener fired when a tab is shown
	 * @param function callback any function to call when the listener is fired.
	 * @param boolean runOnce if true, the callback will be run one time only. Default: false - optional
	$.fn.onTabShow = function(callback, runOnce)
		if (runOnce)
			var runOnceFunc = function()
				callback.apply(this, arguments);
				$(this).unbind('tabshow', runOnceFunc);
			this.bind('tabshow', runOnceFunc);
			this.bind('tabshow', callback);
		return this;
	 * Add a listener fired when a tab is hidden
	 * @param function callback any function to call when the listener is fired.
	 * @param boolean runOnce if true, the callback will be run one time only. Default: false - optional
	$.fn.onTabHide = function(callback, runOnce)
		if (runOnce)
			var runOnceFunc = function()
				callback.apply(this, arguments);
				$(this).unbind('tabhide', runOnceFunc);
			this.bind('tabhide', runOnceFunc);
			this.bind('tabhide', callback);
		return this;
	 * Insert a message into a block
	 * @param string|array message a message, or an array of messages to inserted
	 * @param object options optional object with following values:
	 * 		- type: one of the available message classes : 'info' (default), 'warning', 'error', 'success', 'loading'
	 * 		- position: either 'top' (default) or 'bottom'
	 * 		- animate: true to show the message with an animation (default), else false
	 * 		- noMargin: true to apply the no-margin class to the message (default), else false
	$.fn.blockMessage = function(message, options)
		var settings = $.extend({}, $.fn.blockMessage.defaults, options);
			// Locate content block
			var block = $(this);
			if (!block.hasClass('block-content'))
				block = block.find('.block-content:first');
				if (block.length == 0)
					block = $(this).closest('.block-content');
					if (block.length == 0)
			// Compose message
			var messageClass = (settings.type == 'info') ? 'message' : 'message '+settings.type;
			if (settings.noMargin)
				messageClass += ' no-margin';
			var finalMessage = (typeof message == 'object') ? '<ul class="'+messageClass+'"><li>'+message.join('</li><li>')+'</li></ul>' : '<p class="'+messageClass+'">'+message+'</p>';
			// Insert message
			if (settings.position == 'top')
				var children = block.find('h1, .h1, .block-controls, .block-header, .wizard-steps');
				if (children.length > 0)
					var lastHeader = children.last();
					var next = lastHeader.next('.message');
					while (next.length > 0)
						lastHeader = next;
						next = lastHeader.next('.message');
					var messageElement = lastHeader.after(finalMessage).next();
					var messageElement = block.prepend(finalMessage).children(':first');
				var children = block.find('.block-footer:last-child');
				if (children.length > 0)
					var messageElement = children.before(finalMessage).prev();
					var messageElement = block.append(finalMessage).children(':last');
			if (settings.animate)
		return this;
	// Default config for the blockMessage function
	$.fn.blockMessage.defaults = {
		type: 'info',
		position: 'top',
		animate: true,
		noMargin: true
	 * Remove all messages from the block
	 * @param object options optional object with following values:
	 * 		- only: string or array of strings of message classes which will be removed
	 * 		- except: string or array of strings of message classes which will not be removed (ignored if 'only' is provided)
	 * 		- animate: true to remove the message with an animation (default), else false
	$.fn.removeBlockMessages = function(options)
		var settings = $.extend({}, $.fn.removeBlockMessages.defaults, options);
			// Locate content block
			var block = $(this);
			if (!block.hasClass('block-content'))
				block = block.find('.block-content:first');
				if (block.length == 0)
					block = $(this).closest('.block-content');
					if (block.length == 0)
			var messages = block.find('.message');
			if (settings.only)
				if (typeof settings.only == 'string')
					settings.only = [settings.only];
				messages = messages.filter('.'+settings.only.join(', .'));
			else if (settings.except)
				if (typeof settings.except == 'string')
					settings.except = [settings.except];
				messages = messages.not('.'+settings.except.join(', .'));
			if (settings.animate)
		return this;
	// Default config for the blockMessage function
	$.fn.removeBlockMessages.defaults = {
		only: false,				// string or array of strings of message classes which will be removed
		except: false,				// except: string or array of strings of message classes which will not be removed (ignored if only is provided)
		animate: true				// animate: true to remove the message with an animation (default), else false
	 * Fold an element
	 * @param string|int duration a string (fast, normal or slow) or a number of millisecond. Default: 'normal'. - optional
	 * @param function callback any function to call at the end of the effect. Default: none. - optional
	$.fn.fold = function(duration, callback)
			var element = $(this);
			var marginTop = parseInt(element.css('margin-top'));
			var marginBottom = parseInt(element.css('margin-bottom'));
			var anim = {
				'height': 0,
				'paddingTop': 0,
				'paddingBottom': 0
			// IE8 and lower do not understand border-xx-width
			// http://forum.jquery.com/topic/ie-invalid-argument
			if (!$.browser.msie || $.browser.version > 8)
				// Border width is not set to 0 because it does not allow fluid movement 
				anim.borderTopWidth = '1px';
				anim.borderBottomWidth = '1px';
			// Detection of elements sticking to their predecessor
			var prev = element.prev();
			if (prev.length === 0 && parseInt(element.css('margin-bottom'))+marginTop !== 0)
				anim.marginTop = Math.min(0, marginTop);
				anim.marginBottom = Math.min(0, marginBottom);
			// Effect
				'overflow': 'hidden'
			}).animate(anim, {
				'duration': duration,
				'complete': function()
					// Reset properties
						'display': 'none',
						'overflow': '',
						'height': '',
						'paddingTop': '',
						'paddingBottom': '',
						'borderTopWidth': '',
						'borderBottomWidth': '',
						'marginTop': '',
						'marginBottom': ''
					// Callback function
					if (callback)
		return this;
	 * Expand an element
	 * @param string|int duration a string (fast, normal or slow) or a number of millisecond. Default: 'normal'. - optional
	 * @param function callback any function to call at the end of the effect. Default: none. - optional
	$.fn.expand = function(duration, callback)
			// Init
			var element = $(this);
			element.css('display', 'block');
			// Reset and get values
				'overflow': '',
				'height': '',
				'paddingTop': '',
				'paddingBottom': '',
				'borderTopWidth': '',
				'borderBottomWidth': '',
				'marginTop': '',
				'marginBottom': ''
			var height = element.height();
			var paddingTop = parseInt(element.css('padding-top'));
			var paddingBottom = parseInt(element.css('padding-bottom'));
			var marginTop = parseInt(element.css('margin-top'));
			var marginBottom = parseInt(element.css('margin-bottom'));
			// Initial and target values
			var css = {
				'overflow': 'hidden',
				'height': 0,
				'paddingTop': 0,
				'paddingBottom': 0
			var anim = {
				'height': height,
				'paddingTop': paddingTop,
				'paddingBottom': paddingBottom
			// IE8 and lower do not understand border-xx-width
			// http://forum.jquery.com/topic/ie-invalid-argument
			if (!$.browser.msie || $.browser.version > 8)
				var borderTopWidth = parseInt(element.css('border-top-width'));
				var borderBottomWidth = parseInt(element.css('border-bottom-width'));
				// Border width is not set to 0 because it does not allow fluid movement 
				css.borderTopWidth = '1px';
				css.borderBottomWidth = '1px';
				anim.borderTopWidth = borderTopWidth;
				anim.borderBottomWidth = borderBottomWidth;
			// Detection of elements sticking to their predecessor
			var prev = element.prev();
			if (prev.length === 0 && parseInt(element.css('margin-bottom'))+marginTop !== 0)
				css.marginTop = Math.min(0, marginTop);
				css.marginBottom = Math.min(0, marginBottom);
				anim.marginTop = marginTop;
				anim.marginBottom = marginBottom;
			// Effect
			element.stop(true).css(css).animate(anim, {
				'duration': duration,
				'complete': function()
					// Reset properties
						'display': '',
						'overflow': '',
						'height': '',
						'paddingTop': '',
						'paddingBottom': '',
						'borderTopWidth': '',
						'borderBottomWidth': '',
						'marginTop': '',
						'marginBottom': ''
					// Callback function
					if (callback)
					// Required for IE7 - don't ask me why...
					if ($.browser.msie && $.browser.version < 8)
						$(this).css('zoom', 1);
		return this;
	 * Remove an element with folding effect
	 * @param string|int duration a string (fast, normal or slow) or a number of millisecond. Default: 'normal'. - optional
	 * @param function callback any function to call at the end of the effect. Default: none. - optional
	$.fn.foldAndRemove = function(duration, callback)
		$(this).fold(duration, function()
			// Callback function
			if (callback)
		return this;
	 * Remove an element with fading then folding effect
	 * @param string|int duration a string (fast, normal or slow) or a number of millisecond. Default: 'normal'. - optional
	 * @param function callback any function to call at the end of the effect. Default: none. - optional
	$.fn.fadeAndRemove = function(duration, callback)
		this.animate({'opacity': 0}, {
			'duration': duration,
			'complete': function()
				// No folding required if the element has position: absolute (not in the elements flow)
				if ($(this).css('position') == 'absolute')
					// Callback function
					if (callback)
					$(this).slideUp(duration, function()
						// Callback function
						if (callback)
		return this;
	 * Open/close fieldsets
	$.fn.toggleFieldsetOpen = function()
			 * Tip: if you want to add animation or do anything that should not occur at startup closing, 
			 * check if the element has the class 'collapse':
			 * if (!$(this).hasClass('collapse')) { // Anything that sould no occur at startup }
			// Change
			$(this).closest('fieldset, .fieldset').toggleClass('collapsed');
		return this;
	 * Add a semi-transparent layer in front of an element
	$.fn.addEffectLayer = function(options)
		var settings = $.extend({}, $.fn.addEffectLayer.defaults, options);
			var element = $(this);
			// Add layer
			var refElement = getNodeRefElement(this);
			var layer = $('<div class="loading-mask"><span>'+settings.message+'</span></div>').insertAfter(refElement);
			// Position
			var elementOffset = element.position();
				top: elementOffset.top+'px',
				left: elementOffset.left+'px'
			// Effect
			var span = layer.children('span');
			var marginTop = parseInt(span.css('margin-top'));
			span.css({'opacity':0, 'marginTop':(marginTop-40)+'px'});
			layer.css({'opacity':0}).animate({'opacity':1}, {
				'complete': function()
					span.animate({'opacity': 1, 'marginTop': marginTop+'px'});
		return this;
	 * Retrieve the reference element after which the layer will be inserted
	 * @param HTMLelement node the node on which the effect is applied
	 * @return HTMLelement the reference node
	function getNodeRefElement(node)
		var element = $(node);
		// Special case
		if (node.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'document' || node.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'body')
			var refElement = $(document.body).children(':last').get(0);
			// Look for the reference element, the one after which the layer will be inserted
			var refElement = node;
			var offsetParent = element.offsetParent().get(0);
			// List of elements in which we can add a div
			var absPos = ['absolute', 'relative'];
			while (refElement && refElement !== offsetParent && !$.inArray($(refElement.parentNode).css('position'), absPos))
				refElement = refElement.parentNode;
		return refElement;
	// Default params for the loading effect layer
	$.fn.addEffectLayer.defaults = {
		message: 'Please wait...'
	 * jQuery load() method wrapper : add a visual effect on the load() target
	 * Parameters are the same as load()
	$.fn.loadWithEffect = function()
		// Add effect layer
			message: $.fn.loadWithEffect.defaults.message
		// Rewrite callback function
		var target = this;
		var callback = false;
		var args = $.makeArray(arguments);
		var index = args.length;
		if (args[2] && typeof args[2] == 'function')
			callback = args[2];
			index = 2;
		else if (args[1] && typeof args[1] == 'function')
			callback = args[1];
			index = 1;
		// Custom callback
		args[index] = function(responseText, textStatus, XMLHttpRequest)
			// Get the effect layer
			var refElement = getNodeRefElement(this);
			var layer = $(refElement).next('.loading-mask');
			var span = layer.children('span');
			// If success
			if (textStatus == 'success' || textStatus == 'notmodified')
				// Initial callback
				if (callback)
					callback.apply(this, arguments);
				// Remove effect layer
				var currentMarginTop = parseInt(span.css('margin-top'));
				var marginTop = parseInt(span.css('margin-top', '').css('margin-top'));
				span.css({'marginTop':currentMarginTop+'px'}).animate({'opacity':0, 'marginTop':(marginTop-40)+'px'}, {
					'complete': function()
				span.addClass('error').html($.fn.loadWithEffect.defaults.errorMessage+'<br><a href="#">'+$.fn.loadWithEffect.defaults.retry+'</a> / <a href="#">'+$.fn.loadWithEffect.defaults.cancel+'</a>');
					// Relaunch request
					$.fn.load.apply(target, args);
					// Reset
					span.removeClass('error').html($.fn.loadWithEffect.defaults.message).css('margin-left', '');
					// Remove effect layer
					var currentMarginTop = parseInt(span.css('margin-top'));
					var marginTop = parseInt(span.css('margin-top', '').css('margin-top'));
					span.css({'marginTop':currentMarginTop+'px'}).animate({'opacity':0, 'marginTop':(marginTop-40)+'px'}, {
						'complete': function()
				// Centering
				span.css('margin-left', -Math.round(span.outerWidth()/2));
		// Redirect to jQuery load
		$.fn.load.apply(target, args);
		return this;
	// Default texts for the loading effect layer
	$.fn.loadWithEffect.defaults = {
		message: 'Loading...',
		errorMessage: 'Error while loading',
		retry: 'Retry',
		cancel: 'Cancel'
	 * Enable any button with workaround for IE lack of :disabled selector
	$.fn.enableBt = function()
		$(this).attr('disabled', false);
		if ($.browser.msie && $.browser.version < 9)
	 * Disable any button with workaround for IE lack of :disabled selector
	$.fn.disableBt = function()
		$(this).attr('disabled', true);
		if ($.browser.msie && $.browser.version < 9)

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